Lego EV3
Lego RCX
Lego NXT
Most new students will start on the latest Lego robot platform, EV3. Released in 2013, the EV3 has more memory, storage, networking and control capabilities than previous versions.
Along with the EV3, the original Lego platform, RCX, will be used for advanced students looking to create more complex programs. Using RobotC, a C language variant with an IDE including advanced debugging, students will be able to start progression into general computer programming.
For students who already have experience with the NXT, the EV3 will be an easy transition. The new EV3 software is downward compatible to NXT so most of the programming skills learned at STEM Robotix with the EV3 can be used on any student's personal NXT robots.
Along with the EV3, the original Lego platform, RCX, will be used for advanced students looking to create more complex programs. Using RobotC, a C language variant with an IDE including advanced debugging, students will be able to start progression into general computer programming.
For students who already have experience with the NXT, the EV3 will be an easy transition. The new EV3 software is downward compatible to NXT so most of the programming skills learned at STEM Robotix with the EV3 can be used on any student's personal NXT robots.